Skin Relief Milky Wash

Skin Relief Milky Wash


Skin Relief Milky Wash

Honestly, the Aqua+ skin relief milky wash is among the best of all the facial washes that I’ve tried. This facial wash forms a white gel with blue granules, and form surfactants that remove unwanted substances and particles from the outermost layer of skin. Which work by attracting oil, makeup, dirt, and debris so they can be rinsed away easily.

What I especially liked was that after using it, my face feels smooth and brighter. According to the product description, this facial wash doesn’t contain Paraben and is alcohol free.

From what I understand, Parabens are a group of synthetic compounds that used to be widely used in beauty products, unfortunately, new research has suggested that cumulative exposure to Paraben may potentially cause a whole range of problems such as the disruption of hormonal functions. So, hearing that this product doesn’t contain Parabens is a welcome sign.

I’ve been using it for over 3 weeks and its has given great results and it’s a reasonable price.