Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer

Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer


Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer

As someone who has used this product for over 3 months, I can say that it does a good job against inflamed skin, large pimples and boils.

My first impression of this product is that the cream more runny than it is viscous, and the cream absorbs into the skin rather quickly, my guess is that it might be due to my relatively drier skin, so I would imagine that the product is aimed towards those that have oily skin. Washing it off isn’t an issue either, as it comes off easily, and there are no residues left.

In conclusion, I would have to say that the product is very good, as I now have no active zits after using it. All pimples and blunts have also faded, and after a while I have friends who began to notice that I have changed, which is a good sign.