Bright-Up Daily Moisturizer
Bright-Up Daily Moisturizer
I was initially hesitant about this product as it seemed a little too overpriced. However, I was eventually convinced by everyone else to give this product a try, due to all the positive reviews it has received. Initially, this product didn’t seem to affect my face, which I would assume is because there was a delayed effect, or due to my intermittent use of it. However, after a period of roughly 2 weeks, I’ve noticed that my red acne scars have begun to fade away, and I’ve noticed that my skin tone has brightened.
At the time, I was also looking for various other products similar to this one, but I feel that this one does the job well. My skin in the subsequent weeks have gotten smooth, glowing and springy ever since. In conclusion, I’d say that I recommend this product for anyone looking for a more glowing complexion. For those that may have dry skin like mine, you’ll probably need to wait just a slight bit longer before results start to appear.